Windows Installer 4 5 Beta2 X86 Vista BioMOD®
Windows Installer 4 5 Beta2 X86 Vista
KB935695.MSU + BioMOD® Files Vista Style
The Windows Installer 4.5 beta will deliver new functionality for multiple package products and for servicing complex products. Windows Installer <4.5 will pull down level the features from the OS version independent features in the Windows Installer 4.0 release that shipped only in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Windows Installer 4.5 will also ship down level to Windows XP SP2 and up.
Windows Installer 4.5 Beta program is an opportunity for customers and partners to try the new Windows Installer features.
Before - Antes (Original Files)
After - Despues (Whit BioMOD® Files)
Requeriments: Windows Vista x86
Download Windows Installer 4 5 Beta2 X86 Vista + BioMOD® FIles VistaStyle